World Generation via BiomeModifications on NeoForge does not work and another thing
Craftjakob opened this issue ยท 1 comments
I tried many times in different versions to set up the World Generation for ores, etc., in Fabric and Forge it works, but not in NeoForge.
Example code, that I use, which works in Fabric and Forge:
BiomeModifications.addProperties((biomeContext, mutable) -> {
if (biomeContext.hasTag(BiomeTags.IS_END)) {
new ResourceLocation(EXAMPLE.MOD_ID "example_placed"))
And a question: there is another addFeture methode, where you need to but a PlacedFeature inside a Holder, but how can I use that? In Forge's dategen you never need a Holder with a PlacedFeature.
Only that for BiomeModifers:
private static Direct<PlacedFeature> feature(BootstapContext<BiomeModifier> context, ResourceKey<PlacedFeature> placedFeature) {
Another thing, that is annoying is a feature in the CreativeTabRegistry.
Here you need to give a CreativeModeTab, but If you want to use it like that: 'CreativeModeTabs.COMBAT', it does not work.
I get around the problem by using this: 'CreativeModeTabs.allTabs().get(7)'
CreativeTabRegistry.modifyBuiltin(CreativeModeTabs.allTabs().get(10), (flags, output, canUseGameMasterBlocks) -> {
output.acceptAfter(Items.NETHERITE_INGOT, EXAMPLE_MOD_ITEM);
In Forge, you can use 'CreativeModeTabs.COMBAT':
private void addCreative(BuildCreativeModeTabContentsEvent event) {
if (event.getTabKey() == CreativeModeTabs.COMBAT) {
event.getEntries().putAfter(new ItemStack(Items.NETHERITE_INGOT), new ItemStack(EXAMPLE_MOD_ITEM), TabVisibility.PARENT_AND_SEARCH_TABS);
Hopefully you can implement or fix this, that would be very great!