[1.16.5] 16.5.0 - Non Effect Providing Armors Throw a null effect when invoked, caused by a null effect list.
TheDarkPreacher opened this issue · 13 comments
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest")::
- Minecraft: 1.16.5
- ArmorPlus: 16.5.0
- TheDragonLib: 1.1.0
- GeckoLib: 3.0.49
- Forge: 36.2.8
- (Optional) Just Enough Items (JEI):
Affected Side (Client or Server):
- [X ] Client
- [X ] Server
Describe the issue: When updating from Smashing Mods Together version 1.0.2 to 1.0.3-hotfix on server, if a player is wearing ArmorPlus armor when connecting to server, there is a Ticking Player crash, which causes the player to never actually connect with their client.
(Optional) Additional notes: Smashing Mods Together version 1.0.2 uses ArmorPlus version 16.4.1, TheDragonLib v. 1.1.0, GeckoLib v. 3.0.49, and Forge 36.2.8. Issue also reported to Smashing Mods Together pack dev SmashingMods/SMT-Issues#7
Update: Latest.log from the crash
Hey there, thanks for your report, but I'm afraid that log report doesn't contain any information about the crash, and nothing related to ArmorPlus.
Sorry, it was super late, had a ton of logs to go through, snagged the wrong one. This is the only crash log I can actually find on the server, since the one it says it generates in the log can't be found. https://gist.github.com/TheDarkPreacher/885c3a370bc967014066525ea073ff41
Alrighty thanks, that shouldn't be happening considering the armor has no effects, does that happen with other armors (excluding enhanced)?
Alrighty thanks, seems all non-effect providing gear were affected, will be fixed in the next patch.
Thanks for the update on the issue. When your mod updates, I will update it in my pack.
Hey there, thanks for waiting.
ArmorPlus 1.16.5-16.5.1 should fix this issue.
Note: Please delete armorplus related configuration files after updating.