Armory Expansion

Armory Expansion


[Enhancement] Tough as Nails Support

Guinaro opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I'm looking for a mod that provides us with the possibility to add a modifier to Construct Armory Armor to help to survive a Tough as Nails environment.
Tinker Survival is a mod that adds limited support but also adds a whole bunch of other stuff that cannot be disabled.
Therefore Armory Expansion may be a likely candidate to support Tough as Nails.

I propose to provide us with 3 sets of modifiers for cold resistance and heat resistance each.
Preferably in a way that they are mutually exclusive. Either you have armor set up for keeping you warm or keeping you cool, but not both.

To get Chill Protection you need to apply Wool.
To get Cold Protection you could require a Magma Block
To get Freeze Protection you could require a Heating Coil

To get Warmth Protection you would require a Wet Sponge or an Icecube
To get Heat Protection you could require Jelled Slime (maybe create a block for this?)
To get Heatstroke Protection you could require a Cooling Coil

Having multiple modifiers would make it more balanced as you need to sacrifice modifier slots to survive in the harsher environments. If using leveling you would need to use your armor a while before you can tackle those environments and still have modifier slots available for other uses!

Maybe the heat protection modifiers could also have a beneficial effect on thirst, since lower body temperature would prevent you from sweating and losing more fluids.

Maybe we could also have an Energy Based Modifier using RF/FE that would regulate your body temperature aslong as you have it powered?

Thanks for your consideration,


This is perfect, ive been trying to figure this out for awhile now!

Edit: I've actually stumbled upon a mod that attaches to items, even Construct Armory. Seems to work pretty well and isnt unreasonable, even with special items you an only get in creative or through random drops/loot.


Should I consider this as solved through the use of a third mod (underwear mod in this case)?


Personally, I'd much rather have just this one mod instead of having the other - as the other requires configging in order for it to work with Constructs' Armory, whereas with your mod, not only would it work with Tough as Nails, but with a plethora of other mods my friends and I use.


I'll leave it as pending for now then