Armory Expansion

Armory Expansion


[Enhancement] Thaumcraft 6 Support

FirebladeProduction opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Soo, heres some suggestions for what the metals from Thaumcraft 6 should be able to do:

General Trait:
-Enchanted (gets free bonus modifier, basically what already is implemented)
-Vis Conduit (Reduces vis consumption by 3%, additiv bonus for each armor piece)
Plates and Trimming:
-Magic Armor (Armor rating now also protects against magic damage)
Stats wise it should be very similiar to iron, but with slightly improved durability and toughness

Alchemical brass:
General Trait:
Plates and Trimming:
-No Friction (increases Modifier value by 1, regardless if it has it or not)
Stats wise it would be a bit better than copper but would have a very high Modifier value, representing its property of being great for mechanism due to its low friction.

Void Metal:
General Trait:
-Eldritch Metal (increases warp for each part the armor is made of by 1 and is applied while worn)
-Eldritch Healing (similiar to ecological, but the amount healed is increased by how much warp you have)
Plates and Trimming:
-Magic Armor (Armor rating now also protects against magic damage)
-Eldritch Horror (hostile mobs near you get weakend, nearby Players have a chance to get temporary Warp by just being near you)
Since its the best metal in default Thaumcraft, its stats should be equal or better than Manyllyn.

Modifiers Ideas:

Enchanted Padding
1x Wool
2x Enchanted Fabric

Reduces Vis Consumption by 2% per level per armor piece, can be applied up to 5 times

Sanity Varnish
1x Sanity Soap
2x Purifying Bath Salts
1x Potion of Regeneration (any)

Grants a chance to reduce normal Warp every 20 minutes by 1, chance is 1% per level per armor piece, can have a max of 5 levels.
Also grants 3% chance to resist getting normal and temporary warp per level per piece.

Accessory Idea:

Goggles of Revealing
adds the goggles of revealings effects (minus vis discount) to the helmet, needs 1 pair of goggles of revealing.

I also have some ideas for the tools but since this is the mod for the armors i dont think i should add it in here.

Also sorry for the wall of text...

EDIT 1: Rebalanced Sanity Varnish, cause its actually quite hard to loose normal warp with sanity soap.
EDIT 2: Added EDIT 1 edit comment.
EDIT 3: Fixed some typos.


I also have some ideas for the tools but since this is the mod for the armors i dont think i should add it in here.

Support is planned for both Tool and Armor parts, so feel free to make your tool suggestions.


I just noticed the comment, sorry
heres the ideas for the tools:

General Trait:
-Enchanted (gets free bonus modifier, basically what already is implemented)

Stats wise it should be very similiar to iron, but with slightly improved durability

Alchemical brass:
General Trait:
-Precision Tools (Silktouch for blocks up to stone pickaxe level.)
-Well Made (increases Modifier value by 1, regardless if it has it or not)

Stats wise it would be a bit better than copper but would have a very high Modifier value, representing its property of being great for mechanism due to its low friction.

Void Metal:
General Trait:
-Eldritch Metal (increases warp for each part the tools is made of by 1 and is applied while held)
-Eldritch Healing (similiar to ecological, but the amount healed is increased by how much warp you have)
-Eldritch Terror (weakens mobs hit by it, players gain temporary warp when hit)
-Flux conduit (bonus Flux damage)
Arrow Head:
-Eldritch eye (applies 10 seconds of glow to the target)

Since its the best metal in default Thaumcraft, its stats should be equal or better than Manyllyn.

Modifiers Ideas:
Miners handle
2x rare ores
2x Terra Vis Crystals
2x Salis Mundus

Increases the chance to get extra rare ores from mining

I have to play with thaumcraft againt to get more ideas for the modifiers but i should get to it back soon.