Armourer's Workshop

Armourer's Workshop


Item spritesheet rendering on player head when getting hurt, if SM is installed

EzerArch opened this issue · 3 comments


This one is a bit hard to explain. Just a visual nuisance.

The correct behavior: when a player gets hurt, its model renders a "reddish" overlay for a few tics.

2016-05-20_03 18 17

What is happening: when a player gets hurt, its model's head renders an item spritesheet wrapped on it. I can spot some vanilla and Galacticraft items on it. The other parts seem okay.

2016-05-20_02 46 31

I removed Galacticraft and Optifine to reproduce the bug, since these mods affect the rendering. The bug stopped from happening after I removed SmartMoving-1.7.10-15.6.jar.


This bug only happens if:

  • I'm using AWS 0.38 or 0.39.
  • SmartMoving is installed.
  • My character is using a AWS piece.

Sorry, 1.7/1.12 is no longer supported


How do i give you a medal for this level of detail in a bug report....

thank you so much.


Want more details?

The thing that is being rendered around the player, instead of the hurt overlay, is an image atlas. The game renders a different kind of atlas depending on the item you hold:

  • Hold an item: renders the item atlas.
  • Hold a block: renders the block atlas.
  • Hold a 3D model item/block: render the png used for that model (it seems so).