Armourer's Workshop

Armourer's Workshop


No Lightlevel

Entiz opened this issue ยท 10 comments


I have an Issue with your mod after digging any block in the World the light level at that place is 0, even at "Day Time", with a Torch the light level is normal but only as long as it is placed. the bug happens even if only your mod is installed and the debug option B:skinTextureRenderOverride= is true but not helping.


Can you post a screenshot of this?


Here is one


What version of the mod are you using?




Note to self check Gilded Games.


For the record I've been having this bug since the mod first came out (Yes, i've been following the mod since it became publicly available, hoping for the bug to be fixed. ) It's the only reason I haven't been using the mod, even though i'd love to (I tried pushing through it once.... but when you're trying to build something and misplace a block... it really sucks.) Otherwise, thanks for the amazing mod!

Here is a screenshot from my game:
Without Mod:
2017-09-27_20 59 58

With Mod:
2017-09-27_20 57 14

Thank you for looking into this!



Mod list please.


Sorry, I meant to respond a lot sooner. My modlist at the time of that screenshot was... Armourer's Workshop by itself.
I've tried running it alongside multiple shaders and Dynamic Lights and the issue still persists. Granted I have not yet tested your latest (April) release.
Still really looking forward to using this mod!
Thank you RiskyKen!
I do not know code, nor do i know of any error pages i could bring up that shows what the problem actually is, but for whatever reason it is as Entiz said... destroying blocks usually sets their value to 0 (not always, oddly enough), which can be really frustrating. (Any amount of OCD makes it intollerable). I am not sure everyone has this problem.
I am running the game on Windows 10 (Dell Inspiron, more than plenty of hard drive and graphics capacity for Minecraft... I can run upwards of 90 mods, and usually run at least 30 at once. I have also played Planet Side 2 smoothly on this machine, so I think it should be able to handle most of what this mod can throw at it.)
The bug occurs regardless what mods I have running, even if it is the only one. I've tried clearing (deleting) the config file(s), and... well, basically everything I know how to do. I have NOT tested the mod on another machine to see if the problem is consistent with W10.
Again, thank you for this mod, and I look forward to seeing what you do with it!



Ok. I did something radical and stupid...
I deleted my entire .minecraft folder and essentially reinstalled Minecraft. Interestingly enough, this seems to have fixed the lighting bug.
I will play around with it some more and keep you posted if the issue arises again.
Thank you so much RiskyKen!



Glad to hear you fixed it! I'm pretty convinced if that is what fixed it that its not on the mods end. IF you feel differently, or this happens again, please reopen a ticket, and we can address :)
