Armourer's Workshop

Armourer's Workshop


Every time I try to paint a single block with the paintbrush most blocks around get painted after I break or place a block

Ultramatteo22 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


When I try to paint a block at first nothing happens, it doesn't paint or change. When I break any type of block the paint is applied to most blocks and I don't understand why. I tried with all the brushes but it's the same but with the effect that brush has. The blocks on the inventory also get painted.


Minecraft Version: 1.20.1 (Forge 47.2.20)
Mod version: armourersworkshop-forge-1.20.1-3.0.0-beta.23

If you can give me a solution I would really appreciate it.


i'm having a similar issue. i don't need to break blocks for them to update but they display differently in the armorer in single player, in a server it doesn't even change at all.


fixed in next release