Ars Nouveau

Ars Nouveau


Storage Lectern bug

Realdybot opened this issue · 1 comments


forge 1.20.1, using latest ars nouveau version (4.12.3)

The link below will bring you how it looks (pretty much)


I know it´s fixed, but partially, i founded that having more than 11 named inventories bugs the lectern interface, i was using repositories in that example but might be happening with other chests/mods and still happening...
Having less than 12 named inventories works just as it should.
When having 12 named inventories (or more) the lectern doesn´t show up the inventories linked except when i refresh the lectern using shift key or the first two buttons (already said that in the issue #1333), appeared to be fixed btw but not really, when i insert or take out an item the lectern doesn´t updates it, and the button that hiddes the crafting table vanish it forever, except for rebuilding the entire thing.
I think the issue is not having enough space for the named inventories in the left side of the lectern interface as it dont have a way to scroll down (which might be the soultion).


Fixed in the next version