Ars Nouveau

Ars Nouveau


Breaking A Scribes Table Crashed The Game

KamikazePigeon opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Not sure what caused it, but when I placed and broke a Scribe's Table, the entire game crashed. It might be worth noting that it was a LAN server hosted by someone else (not me) and I was the one who broke the table. Both our games crashed and we got the same crash report.



This is a known bug with Optifine, they will have to fix this.


May not be just OptiFine as I'm not using OptiFine and just got the same crash on ars_nouveau-1.16.4-1.11.4 with a dedicated server separate from the client : crash-2021-02-07_19.41.23-client.txt

Client crashed, but server and other players (not nearby) on the server continued to play without issue. Crash linked in this post occurred after breaking the Scribes Table with a Paxel from Silent's Gems. When I logged back in the Scribes Table was in my inventory.

Tried again with a vanilla Iron Axe and crashed again, along with one other nearby player: crash-2021-02-07_19.54.35-client.txt


Are you able to reproduce this without Ferritecore @sandalle? I have added an extra check, but I cannot reproduce this in a simple forge environment.


@baileyholl without ferritecore-1.1.1.jar, I still get this crash, but with a slightly different error, when breaking the Scribes Table on Forge 1.16.5-36.0.15: crash-2021-02-10_10.47.32-client.txt (this one was tested in a single player world, not the dedicated server from my earlier report).

I'll see if I can narrow down which mod(s) are causing a conflict.


Nope, still get the crash with just Ars Nouveou (and required libs) installed @baileyholl : crash-2021-02-10_14.16.50-client.txt

I'll try updating Forge next as I see some TileEntity fixes in .

PS: Nope, same crash with Forge 1.16.5-36.0.21, so that didn't have the fix. :/


It doesn't seem to be related to this forge-client.toml settings I changed from default (false) either, as putting it back to false I still crash:

	#EXPERIMENTAL: Enable the Forge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.
	experimentalForgeLightPipelineEnabled = true

This setting being true is "required" (more recommended with a nag message if you don't) by Refined Storage (see release notes in ) for MC 1.16+, and possibly other mods make use of the improved lighting pipeline.


hmm, must be something changed in forge then. I have released the extra checks here:

Hopefully that should fix it.


Still crashed with Forge 1.16.5-36.0.21 and ars_nouveau-1.16.4-1.11.5 : crash-2021-02-13_16.18.03-client.txt . I'll try again later with just Ars Nouveu and dependencies installed.


Hmm, that log doesn't mention ars nouveau this time, could it be another mod now?