Ars Nouveau

Ars Nouveau


Crafting Recipe Error: ars_nouveau:glyph_dampen recipe missing

sciguyryan opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hi all!

I noticed the following error in my logs:

[KubeJS Server/]: Error parsing recipe ars_nouveau:glyph_dampen[ars_nouveau:glyph_recipe]: {"type":"ars_nouveau:glyph_recipe","tier":"TWO","input":{"tag":"forge:ingots/nether_brick"},"output":"ars_nouveau:glyph_dampen"}: Expected input to be an item, was an object ({"ta...k"})

I have checked and the recipe for that glyph is indeed missing and the item cannot be crafted at all. I have gone through my scripts and checked that none of them are messing with the item, as far as I can see they should not be and none of them reference it at all.

I am not sure what, if anything, can be done to find and resolve this since I have no idea what is causing it to begin with. Hopefully you might have an idea or two I can test.


If you remove your scripts, does the book load?
There should be some kubejs commands, I think /kubejs error. Does that output anything helpful?

Any broken recipe can cause this to happen, not just ones that use the involved items.


If you remove your scripts, does the book load?
There should be some kubejs commands, I think /kubejs error. Does that output anything helpful?

Any broken recipe can cause this to happen, not just ones that use the involved items.

Thanks for getting back to me. It is definitely a mod conflict of some kind as disabling the kubejs scripts does not impact this at all. I will track it down and report it to the maker of the other mod, and will close this issue as it is definitely not an issue with Ars Nouveau.