Ars Nouveau

Ars Nouveau


Item multiplication with spell turret in 1.18.2

Raidobw2 opened this issue · 1 comments


The interaction between an Ars Nouveau Spell Turret and a Storage Drawer drawer allows for infinite duplication of any block. This includes duplicating a Better Crates crate with any item inside. When the turret is set to pull from a Storage Drawer, it does not use up an item when pulling and instead spawns a duplicate.

How to reproduce:

  1. Place an Ars Nouveau Spell Turret, provide it with Source, and give it the spell Touch -> Place Block -> Break -> Extract.
  2. Place a Storage Drawer next to the turret.
  3. Add any block into the Storage Drawer.
  4. Give the Spell Turret a redstone signal.

Minecraft: 1.18.2
Forge: 40.1.31
Modpack: FTB Plexiglass Mountain 1.0.2
Ars Nouveau: ars_nouveau-1.18.2-2.5.0.jar (not the latest, latest is 2.5.1)
GeckoLib: geckolib-1.18-forge-3.0.20.jar
Better Crates: BetterCrates-1.18.2-1.0.0.jar
Storage Drawers: StorageDrawers-1.18.2-10.2.1.jar

Relayed from FTBTeam/FTB-Modpack-Issues#971, thank you in advance!
P.S. Ars Nouveau v2.5.1 does not have a mention of this problem in its changelog, so I'm assuming it is still happening v2.5.1+


Fixed in latest version