Ars Nouveau

Ars Nouveau


Config File loading error

MagicConnoisseur opened this issue · 3 comments


Sorry I'm new to moding but I keep running into a config load error I tried running night config as a work around, but it didn't help I don't know if this is a problem with me or maybe I'm doing something to mess up the mod. My world loads up perfectly fine when I disable Ars, but I would really hate to play without😓 it any help would be great thanks. 😌


Try to delete the ars config folders, maybe they are corrupted somehow


Deleting Config files seem to work but also impractical because what if I want to config them later, but nevertheless it did work; So, thank you, Alexthw46. I have no idea as to why the config files would become blank or corrupted.


Forge configs tend to be corrupted if you use Notepad++, or sometimes when editing them while the game is running.