Ars Omega

Ars Omega


Petrification of Players locks all out of server (NBT tag too big)

Charmanth opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Versions: Ars Nouveau: 3.23.0
Ars Omega: 3.1.1
Forge: 43.4.2

Issue: Whenever a player is petrified, it locks not only the "offending" player, but every player out. The error upon trying to login mentions oversized nbt data tag.

Expected behavior: For players to be able to respawn, log in, etc normally.

Other information: I know the devs for Ice and Fire mod had issues with this with their Gorgon monster (as it would petrify players and mobs that looked at it). I do not know if they found a fix for it or not.


Screenshot 2024-07-11 162616