Psuedo-Shaped Recipes
IronPiston opened this issue ยท 2 comments
I was adding a recipe for TiC seared bricks, and realized that due to the 2x2 crafting recipe, I would have to add in 3 other permutations to allow the recipe to be crafted in each corner of the grid. This issue is further exasperated in the 5x5 crafting grid, when the recipe would have to be repeated countless times. Perhaps a recipe in a grid bigger than it could be craft-able in any section.
For example, a 2x2 crafting recipe would be able to work anywhere on the 3x3 grid, as long as the original recipe was retained. This could apply to a 3x3 recipe in the worktable as well.
It has always worked that way. Please ensure your recipes don't have any null
around the edges.
import mods.artisanworktables.builder.RecipeBuilder;
[<ore:plankWood>, <ore:plankWood>],
[<ore:plankWood>, <ore:plankWood>]
.addTool(<ore:artisansFramingHammer>, 1)