Artisan Worktables 1.12

Artisan Worktables 1.12


Fluid Outputs

WACriminalG2 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Would it be possible to add an option for fluid outputs? For instance, I'm going to be implementing a hunting and butchering system in a pack, it would be really cool if I could have some creatures output fluids when the player processes them. Stuff like, "Process a troll corpse at the Tanner's Table with a saw, receive some troll bones, troll slime, and a fluid output of green troll blood."


Haha! When I read that I immediately thought of Graveyard Keeper.

I like the idea.

Some notes about a possible implementation:

  • must be able to distinguish between fluid cost / output in JEI
  • recipe cannot have both input and output fluid
  • recipe match fails if the recipe has an output fluid and the recipe's output fluid doesn't match fluid already in the table's tank

If a recipe's fluid output would exceed the capacity of the tank, what do we do?

  1. fill the tank to capacity and void the rest?
  2. prevent the player from crafting until the tank is emptied?

I think either way would work, but voiding the rest seems less likely to trap the player in an awkward situation. If they can't craft without emptying the tank, and they don't have an item handy to empty it, that seems less than ideal.

Of course, wasting outputs via voiding can also be frustrating in its own way, so I think it's pretty even either way.


Oh! In that case, perhaps a tooltip to tell you that? I had no idea you could do that.


There is also a tooltip. :)



Perhaps a button or something in the table, to effectively empty the tank? I think it was Mekanism, but I remember a machine that used "fluid-like" input (you put in an item and it gave you x amount of some energy or something) that allowed you to dump the tank if you needed to change it to something else. Then if you can't empty the tank, you'll be able to both continue crafting and craft different things.


AW is currently set up to allow you to shift + click on the fluid display in the gui and it will empty the tank.


Well then. Perhaps I just need new glasses, or a gentle smack upside the head.