Artisan Worktables 1.12

Artisan Worktables 1.12


Workaround for weighted outputs

DarkYuan opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Issue Description

Weighted output functions can be circumvented by "Q drop crafting"

What Happens

Assuming a recipe such as this, by pressing Q (or drop) on the recipe output, you would always get the first result, ignoring any weights.

  .addTool(<ore:artisansBurner>, 10)
  .addOutput(<minecraft:iron_ingot>.withTag({Worked: 10}), 25)
  .addOutput(<minecraft:iron_ingot>.withTag({Worked: 15}), 25)
  .addOutput(<minecraft:iron_ingot>.withTag({Worked: 20}), 50)

With a recipe like this one instead, the result of Q crafting would always be just 1 item from the first result, no matter how many is specified.

  .addTool(<ore:artisansHammer>, 10)
  .addOutput(<minecraft:dye:15> * 2, 25)
  .addOutput(<minecraft:dye:15> * 3, 25)
  .addOutput(<minecraft:dye:15> * 4, 50)

What You Expect to Happen

Either using Q to craft should be disabled entirely, or the result should still pull from the weighted options.

Affected Versions

  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:
  • CraftTweaker: 2-1.12-4.1.19
  • Artisan Worktables: 1.12.2-1.21.7
  • Athenaeum: 1.12.2-1.17.3

Addendum: I also have the following mods that may be relevant, but I just tested that the issue does still occur without either of them.

  • InventoryTweaks-1.63.jar
  • MouseTweaks-2.10-mc1.12.2.jar

If the table supports vanilla crafting, it will match against a vanilla recipe (ie. bone to bonemeal) first, before matching any custom AW recipes added via CrT. I noticed this when testing with the second recipe provided because I changed the dye colors and couldn't get it to use the CrT recipe over the vanilla recipe.

After disabling vanilla recipes for the table used, I am able to reproduce this.


Oh right, this was the version right before vanilla crafting was introduced