Assembly Line

Assembly Line


Question how to do pull request?

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I have been recently figuring out how to do a pull request i made one but then closed it because i did it the wrong way beause i tried to make a new file for dutch translation help?


@DarkGuardsman Ok so i choosed a code i forked a code then i selected pull request then i got 2 things the one with your repo and my forked repo and it says somthing like Master and new crate but when i try it itr says its already up-to-date im confused


just email me the file and i'll add it. Most likely what is going wrong is you don't have access to the sub-repos.


Should just be able to fork the code add the file then do a pull request from the fork to the main repo. Though if you can't just email me the file [email protected]


@DarkGuardsman Cheak it now i sended it i may have to do some pull requests to fix some spelling


@DarkGuardsman Can i be a translator for your mod i know many different languages

