Assembly Line

Assembly Line


Assembly Line: Launching: Crash at Startup

Tech0verlord opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Minecraft Version: 1.5.1
Forge Version: Recommended for 1.5.1
Mods Installed:
Minecraft Crash Log:

I finally decided to update to Minecraft 1.5.1 today since all my mods updated, but this one mod keeps causing the game to crash. It is the recommended version on the UE site, but it apparently doesn't work. All I do is download it and place it in my mods folder, but the game crashes. The moment I take it out of there, my game starts up fine. Once my game shows the Mojang logo screen, it sits there for a few seconds then goes to the crash screen.


do not use the latest basic Components instead use the lastest listed under old downloads. The version of basic components you are using was built by jenkins using the newest copy of UE. AL is not built with the latest copy of UE.


Well, I just did as you said and am using BasicComponents_v1.3.1.56.jar which was listed as the latest stable build under the Old downloads heading. I am using AssemblyLine_v0.3.0.89.jar but it still crashes, with the error, failed to start game. This time I only kept a few mods installed and removed all UE mods minus Basic Components and Assembly Line.

Crash Log:

I also noticed that using just the recommended builds for UE doesn't always work, sometimes I actually have to use recent jenkins builds for some of the other components.


For the moment keep trying diffrent Basic Component Builds to see if it works. After i'm finished with what i'm doing with Fluid Mechanics i'll update UE api in the code and take a look at what is wrong.


I can report that Assembly Line loads with Basic Components I'm glad I came over here before submitting another crash report...