Assembly Line

Assembly Line


Suggestion: Better Manipulators

Vexatos opened this issue ยท 9 comments


I have a suggetion to make the Assembly Line to compete better against e.g. Buildcraft:
Add a GUI to the Manipuator with (for my idea) three slots: One is for the Imprint, and two are for Upgrades; these Upgrades should not be too cheap. One would make the Manipulator pull out Stacks at a time, and one would allow the Manipulator not to pull once each Redstone pulse, but continuously as long as it recieves a signal. That would really make an Assembly Line worth more.


Planned though i'm working on improving Fluid Mechanics currently and work out some AI formations for another mod. I'll get too this soon as i've got too much free time this summer.

As for actually what i'll be doing to the manipulator is going to be different from your request. I don't like the ideal of upgrades when not needs so most changes will be GUI button/slider based. There will be settings for redstone timer pulse, item pull count, sides to use, and other things. The manipulator can already be filtered with the imprint item. As well can be told to continuously pull item out but i might make this redstone controlled. As well i might have it power machines from its belt network.


Hi there if you want something to get multiple Stacks try the Armbot Take Command to get things out of your chests quickly instead of doing 1 redstone singal with 1 item coming out of it


Ya forgot i added the Take and Give command for inventory interaction threw the armbot. However, the manipulator still servers as a great automation tool.


I really like to see you have ideas for the Manipulator, because it is faster than the armbot...
I already know that imprints can be inserted into a Manipulator, but with a GUI it shoule be inserted there. And I still would like to see the Manipulator to take out stacks at a time... for a much higher Energy cost, of course.


@Vexatos i like your idea but i think it must not be too OP like buildcraft Needing more Energy to pull out more is good thing but where i am afraid of is that my convoy belts get overloaded by a lot of stuff >_< because i use armbots to pick things on the convoy belt


@Vexatos yes it will have an option in the gui to change the number of items per activation. The imprints will still be inserted threw right click however i'll add the gui slots for them as well.

@PancakeCandy sadly real life has buildcraft beat with how some factory lines can push out 10000 a min. I use to work around a conveyor belt system that i could barrel see the parts move on. As well energy cost is really low due to how hydraulic fluid is used to drive some machines.


@DarkGuardsman about the take command i found out that the take command is not working this is my command file

ROTATE 90 -where my chest is
TAKE 2-to take grass
RETURN-To go back

But it does not work gets stuck on take
I see this above the armbot
Take 1xtitle.grass@32767


bugger not that annoying non meta sensitive number again. That nearly drove me made when working on the autocrafter. After all who thought up of using some random number to tell the system that this itemStack doesn't care about metadata. Why not do what i do and use -1 too tell the methods to ignore that number input...

@PancakeCandy i'll fix it next time i work on assembly line which might be this weekend. For now just add a meta data of zero to your command line. That should take care of the non metadata sensitive bs.
Take 2:0

Also the wording for that is based on mincraft ItemStack.toString() for the itemStack its goes (StackSize)xName@Metadata. It mainly used for debug since i never changed it to use the command line args.


@DarkGuardsman Alright Thanks!