Assembly Line

Assembly Line



YanFull opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Thanks for the crash report but be more details next time. Anyways i should have this fixed in the new Assembly line. Also can i assume you tried to get the pick block on an armbot? As this is the only place the multiBlock code exists.


My english is bad, i click in one block (don't remember who) with right botom of mouse and give me this crash


I put "Crash" on title because the entire crash contain "at dark.core.prefab.machine.BlockMulti.getPickBlock(", how i'll have idea about this? understand?


The crash log contain all information what you need, read!
but... MC 1.6.4 , Dark-AssemblyLine_v0.2.0.139.jar (...) , Forge 953


No the crash report doesn't contain all the info. Though what i honestly want for more detail is for you not to call the issue "Crash". As this is the most generic name you can possible give an issue and its tells me nothing when pre-scanning threw my phone. However for the moment your fine but remember to name the issue better next time.

Also i still have no info on what you were doing at the time. I see that pick block method was called but there is no reason why you should get a stack overflow on that call. So i must ask what is it that you did to get this crash to happen? As in did you click the middle mouse button on the armbot, did this crash on startup, on world load, was it random, or did you use a tool from another mod on the armbot? These are the kinds of details that help me fix the issue and avoid asking you more questions.


Well at least you made the issue report instead of ignoring the crash as most people do. Though just as a tip for later on when you get a crash report and have no clue what to put for the title use the first line of the crash. In this case its "java.lang.StackOverflowError".

Also don't worry about speaking bad English your actually doing rather well.


all right, do you fixed this crash?


As far as i can tell it looks like it is fixed.