Assembly Line

Assembly Line


[1.7] Added input/output switch for pipe belts

DarkGuardsman opened this issue ยท 1 comments


At the moment end cap, intersection, and junction have the ability to switch the direction of movement. This should be implemented on all pipe belts to give free control.

Why do this for corner belts and normal belts? The use case would be to create loading and unloading points for inserters. In which the inserter can add items to the center of the belt. With a corner belt this would be useful to merge or split the flow of items. The same concept can be applied to the normal belt.

Use case 1

Loading belt
Both ends changed to input
Result items flow into the center slot
Inserter can then remove items from the center

use case 2

Unloading belt
Both ends changed to output
Result items split from the center into either side
Inserter can add items to center to flow in either direction


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