Astral Sorcery

Astral Sorcery


Discidia attunment not granting perk EXP on a MP server

SilventheThrid opened this issue ยท 13 comments


I attuned myself to the Discida constellation, however I do not gain exp from dealing damage, either with Vanilla weapons or Modded ones. I tested in in a SP world and it works fine, and I tested Evorsio on the server and it functions as expected.


Mod pack: Dungeon, Dragons and Space Shuttles: version 4.7b

Edit: forgot to include sponge version


Can you replicate using the same pack without sponge on a server instance?

Also, was this the first root perk you had taken?


Having a similar issue to this on a SpongeForge server. Took the singularity perk with Vicio as my first root perk, then took Discidia and Evorsio in that order. Now I can only gain xp from breaking blocks, and only when Evorsio is my root perk, I tried switching with the shifting star, and the only root perk that gives xp properly is Evorsio.

Forge version: 2823 (The latest, as of the writing of this.)
SpongeForge: 3616
Astral Sorcery: 1.10.11 (Haven't updated to 1.10.12 yet)


Next version will include more logging options aswell to help try find out why exp are not awarded correctly.


@SilventheThrid @DishonoredRaven if you are running 1.10.13 or later, please enable the perk logging option for some debug outputs regarding xp gain with discidia and let us know.


There is a debug log config that can be enabled to display tracking of xp gain actions. Please use it so we have data.


I encountered this same issue on FTB: Interactions today, on the OpenSkies multiplayer server. I'm not sure what version of spongeforge they are running if they are. I'm guessing its the server pack from the FTB website. I've asked their admin for advice and am awaiting a response.
Forge - 2836
Astral Sorcery 1.10.17
FTB:Interactions 1.5.0


Hey, I'm the owner of Open Skies, we are currently running:

Forge - 2836
spongeforge-1.12.2-2815-7.1.6-RC3616_with_treebeacon_hackery_and_jed_seed_fix (compiled by Phit)
Astral Sorcery 1.10.17

Debug Log

Removed all non-crucial and private information, but it seems as though any killing of both Spawned Mobs and Natural Mobs using Bow, Stone Sword, or Fist does not result in any XP being registered. We killed multiple vanilla zombies and zombies from Thaumcraft to no avail. The debug log registers me breaking stone blocks but not killing. I hope this helps you out.

If there is anything else I can do to help just let me know


Hm, that sure is enlightening.

That's the code doing the discidia exp stuffs, so it doesn't even get to the point to actually grant exp. Does the pack have anything that modifiers the way damage is dealt?


Can you guys with the issue run the sponge server with -Dsponge.shouldFireAll=true in your java arguments and please make an issue on the SpongeForge issue tracker, I wasn't even aware of this issue until a few minutes ago! If you don't report things like this, they can't get fixed.


Launched a local test server with parameters java -jar -Xmx3G -Xms3G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -Dsponge.shouldFireAll=true forge-1.12.2- --nogui, but I did not found anything interesting or specific in the game and the console. experience still does not come.


Issue resolved with a sponge fix: SpongePowered/SpongeForge@24b76b6


This issue is still occurring for me running SpongeForge 1.12.2-2838-7.3.0, was this fix applied before this version? The dates would have me assume so. This is occurring on a public SkyFactory 4 server running the aforementioned spongeforge version.


You'd have to talk to Sponge about that, not AS.