World rendering (or possibly entire server) ceases, then game crashes upon leaving world
pm065 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Crash log:
Occurs on latest AS and ObserverLib as of writing (astralsorcery-1.16-1.16.5-1.13.11 and observerlib-1.16.5-1.5.2)
Game rendering (possibly entire server as I cannot place or remove anything either) stops completely after a little bit, then if I attempt to leave (rejoining fixes the issue temporarily) the game crashes.
Looking at my logs while the error happens, it appears to be an issue with DSurround; the game is continually being spammed with [DynamicSurroundings/Lib]: OpenAL Error: Invalid Value [LowPassFilterSlot EXTEfx.AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER gain]
. Sorry for the inconvenience (if anyone sees this)!