Craft tweaker recipes for AS tables not working
superfluke opened this issue ยท 1 comments
While using crafttweaker to add recipes to the discovery and attunment tables registers them in jei, the actual items do not output. Tried 2 recipes on 2 different AS tables with different starlight values but neither would output.
Here's an example of the script used, starlight needed is set to 100, half the value of the sample recipe:
mods.astralsorcery.Altar.addDiscoveryAltarRecipe(<extrautils2:endershard>*8, 100, 60, [ <evilcraft:dark_spike>, <evilcraft:dark_spike>, <evilcraft:dark_spike>, <evilcraft:dark_spike>, <minecraft:ender_pearl>, <evilcraft:dark_spike>, <evilcraft:dark_spike>, <evilcraft:dark_spike>, <evilcraft:dark_spike> ]);
AS: astralsorcery-1.12.2-1.7.2
Forge: Forge Mod Loader version