Astral Sorcery

Astral Sorcery


IndexOutOfBoundsException error when binding Left Click in Controls.

billykitty opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Setting my Left Click keybind to Forward in the Controls section causes my client to crash when I open the Astral Tome and left click on the star map to move it around. If I clear the Left Click keybind, the issue is resolved. As a test, I set Left Click to Backwards and that caused the same issue, so it appears the key you bind Left Click to doesn't matter.

Step to reproduce:

  1. In Options, Controls, set any key (ex. Forward) other than the default Attack/Destroy to Left Click.
  2. Back in Game, right-click the Astral Tome to open it.
  3. Left click the star map in the book and game crashes to desktop.
  4. Crashlog:

Thank you.