Astral Sorcery

Astral Sorcery


I think astral sorcery is crashing my server..

BrockDierksen opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Think its something to do with this line at hellfirepvp.astralsorcery.common.entities.EntityLiquidSpark.func_70071_h_( but im not sure. Every time i log onto the server it crashes it. The server was fine until i used the astral transport thing and traveled to where my astral temple was.


Managed to log in and while it was constantly freezing teleport myself out of the chunk. Which did not crash the server. So something about that chunk which is pretty much entirely astral sorcery being loaded is doing something.


At a quick glance, looks like it's the chunk firing an update that is hanging the network stack.


Uncertain what causes this. This isn't really any mod misbehaving - this is a JVM error.


Is there a way to fix it? Been staying out of the area but i have a lot of resources at it.


Could try restarting the server and see if it replicates afterward, perhaps.


Yeah it does. If im in the area its super choppy and minecraft stops responding then the server crashes. When it was first being choppy and freezing i could leave then rejoin and it fixed itself, but that doesnt work anymore it just crashes the server. The area that its happening in has literally only astral sorcery and vanilla.


Take a backup of the world, pull AS, then launch, what happens?


I'll try it when i get off work.


So after updating forge to 2602 I think the problem was fixed. Maybe using the latest forge isn't such a good idea. Should i use the recommended or stick with latest?. Hopefully the error doesn't occur again. Thank you two for helping me.


I'd recommend using the minimum version required for the mods in the pack, or latest "stable" marked version, whichever is later, tbh