multiple issues with AS
diablo184 opened this issue ยท 9 comments
so i have been trying for a while to get this to work and can not seem to figure anything out, my game crashes whenever i pick up a constellation page, every time i log into the game i get a ancestral journal, and trying to use commands gives me and encountering unknown error message
server debug
client debug
any help would be appreciated
Screenshot of the directory where your .astral files are located, please. All of those issues combined have been shown in the past to be triggered by file permissions issues.
Inside that first screenshot, go into the "saves" -> -> "playerdata" directories, and I need a screenshot of that playerdata directory. Also need to check the "Read Only" status of the files ending in ".astral" and ".astralback".
No, but you have no astral progression file. What's the read/write permissions on the playerdata directory? If it has "Read Only" checked, uncheck it and launch again, then try to use a command to advance knowledge somehow.
You should get something that looks like this, at that point, except using your UUID from that last screenshot above, not mine: