Atomic Science

Atomic Science


[1.7] Update Particle Accelerator

DarkGuardsman opened this issue ยท 1 comments

  • Create notes and designs from old code
  • Create designs
  • Redesign for usability
  • Create multi-block code (simplified if possible [aka no multi-block code, just connection logic])
  • Create core (handles logic)
  • Create particle (entity, or logic + graphic effect)
  • Create recipe system (item -> output)
  • Performance test (automated testing to check performance)
  • Consider new blocks to make it easier to input and export items

Added 5/18/2018 (do last)

  • Create Power Cable (move power to core, only need if multi-block code is simplified)
  • Item input hopper (inputs items into core, limited range from core)
  • Item output hopper (outputs items from core, limited range from core)
  • Power convert (converts power to a generic unit)

I think for this I'm going to add more blocks. Include hatches to input and output content (items, power, fluids, etc). The reason for this is how hard it can be to connect everything to 1 tile. As well to solve power support as @Optional is a pain to use. Instead we can implement a power tile to move the power and then another to convert sources to a generic power unit.