Atomic Science

Atomic Science


[1.7] Rebuild models

DarkGuardsman opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Convert current models from techne to .obj

  • Centrifuge
  • Fission Reactor
  • Reactor Turbine
  • Nuclear Boiler
  • Fusion Reactor
  • Chemical Extractor

I know a little bit of blender, I'm completely useless in Java though, so I can help with conversion but not implementation, I'm not sure which you're looking for.
If you do just want models I can take the Techne and texture files and see what I can do this weekend. Where can I find them?


I'm sharing a folder where I'm putting complete stuff. All I have right now is the centrifuge, if it's to your satisfaction I'll go ahead and do the rest.

That is everything I have, already converted them to .obj. Now, they only need to be fixed to remove extra faces and clean up z-fighting.


I assume its the "complete" folder and the model uploaded at 1:45am. From what I can see it doesn't look like much changed. The idea of rebuilding the models is to fix overlap of parts. As well parent parts to each other that are connected. This is a bit of lengthy process as it involves basically redoing the model. As part will need to be cut, merged, faces connected, and UVs rebuilt.


Yes, all I did was remove hidden faces and fix areas with Z-fighting. Completly removing overlap and making the whole thing as more or less a single mesh would indeed take a while for the reasons you gave, especially since I'm not very familiar with UV mapping yet.
I'll see what I can do before finals kick in.