Atomic Science

Atomic Science


Error in console Illegal Async Chunk Load

Trnrr opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Not sure what causes this. Just got it in console and reporting it here because I think its something to do with the mod.

Version: Atomic-Science-1.12.2-3.2.0b80
Minecraft: 1.12.2
SpongeForge: 1.12.2-2768-7.1.6-RC3616
Minecraft Forge:


From what I understand it can be ignored, it mostly sponge not being happy with how our threads work.


Ok thanks for the reply. I just wasn't sure if it was bad or not because it shows up in the console quite a bit.


Also just to post this here as well. I asked in the sponge discord and one of the staff said this. So it doesn't seem like it will cause too much performance issues.

by the act of spamming to the console (IO is slow), it will cause minor performance issues
it otherwise shouldn't cause to many issues. I have found that the stdio type of performance greatly depends on the system (and how the control panel if there is one, handles it)