Atomic Science

Atomic Science


Steam Funnels not Working (kinda)

CanariesBlackfyre opened this issue ยท 1 comments


So my problem, basically, is that the steam funnels have stopped working... sorta
I had a very basic set up on a SP world

This setup generated steam that was collected in the steam funnel, and pumped to a tank
I then had to reinstall the modpack, and this setup stopped working
Whilst steam was still generated, and could be turned into power by an atomic science turbine
The funnel could no longer collect/pump out steam. I tested it on our server, and had a friend test it in SP and it didn't work
I was able to restore that SP world out of my recycle bin, into my fresh install modpack
And it worked! And I could build more of them, and they worked
But only in that world


In theory the funnels should export steam on their own. So try without the pipe being set in pull mode. It could be a funky state with the old world file.

Also check your config file to make sure something didn't get changed.

Other than that might take me a while before I get a chance to check the code.