Attained Drops 2

Attained Drops 2


Bulbs always drop bulbs

TheBlueCrystal opened this issue ยท 0 comments



I stumbled over your port of Attained Drops for 1.10+ yesterday and was very pleased that the mod is now available for recent MC-versions. I tried it out using a survival world, and realized that the plants (bulbs) always drop themselves regardless of what tool (or bare hands) I use to harvest them. So I took a look at your code and noticed that the getpickBlock() and getDrops() functions create the exact same itemstack.

Is it by chance possible that you meant
ItemStack bulb = state.getValue(BULB).getDrop();
instead of
ItemStack bulb = state.getValue(BULB).get();
in Line 90 in
That would return the actual resource-item instead of the bulb-block itself.
Was just wondering. :)

Please keep up the superb work - it's a really cool mod! :)

Best regards.