


Latest version crashes at startup

MasterBuilder747 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


After completing phase 1 during game load up, the game crashes :/

crash report:

Also, to note, if you noticed in the crashlog, your mod is not the only one that crashed. Quark, your mod dark utilities, solar flux, and draconic evolution also errored during loadup. I was going to report this to the other mod authors, but if you could tell me what is wrong with my pack rn that would be awesome. @Darkhax


Looking at the list of mods you have included, you are using AttributeFix-1.12.2-1.0.1-deobf.jar. Did you download this file from Curse? If so, you should be a bit more careful. The deobf part of the name means that this mod file is for mod developers who want to use the mod in their workspace, and is not for regular play. Looking at your mod list, you actually have a lot of these deobf mods, which just won't work in a regular game setup. These downloads are all on a separate page on Curse so you you must have gone out of your way to get them x)

Here is the full list for you.

  • Aroma1997Core
  • Dimensional World
  • AttributeFix
  • Quark
  • AutoRegLib
  • Bookshelf
  • CodeChickenLib
  • BrandonsCore
  • DarkUtils
  • Draconic Evoloution
  • EnderStorage
  • SonarCore
  • Fluxnetworks
  • InventoryTweaks