[1.12.2] Crash with YUNG's Better Mineshafts using Atum 2.0.18
aking4125 opened this issue ยท 7 comments
After updating Atum to 2.0.18 and using YUNG's Better Mineshafts 2.1.0 (Both on 1.12.2). Upon loading a world, the game crashes with the following crash report.
Downgrading Atum to 2.0.17 works. I see in the changelog for Atum that events to Caves & Mineshafts were added, so unknown if YNUG's Bettercaves is also affected by this.
I was informed by the Author of the other mod to report this here.
Thank you for the report!
Unfortunately it's them who doesn't support the Forge InitMapGenEvent. It was added in the latest build upon request from another mod author.
private MapGenAtumMineshaft mineshaftGenerator = (MapGenAtumMineshaft) TerrainGen.getModdedMapGen(new MapGenAtumMineshaft(), InitMapGenEvent.EventType.MINESHAFT);
Can you use a reference to MapGenMineshaft
or MapGenStructure
here instead of MapGenAtumMineshaft
I changed it to MapGenStructure, hopefully that did the trick. You can grab a build here: https://jenkins.girafi.dk/job/Team%20Metallurgy%20Mods/job/Atum%202/job/Atum%202%201.12.2%20Jenkins/105/ to check if it worked :)
Alright I'll release a new build on CurseForge sometime later today. Remind me if I haven't.