


[BUG] Some sounds not working in multiplayer

MarkinhosMLP opened this issue ยท 10 comments


as it says in the mod page

"A: As of v0.0.3, the mod also needs to be installed on the server for specific sounds to work and sync with the client!

Certain things like block sounds and such should work completely client-side, but other features such as item interaction sounds and such will need for the mod to be installed server-side as well."

the problem is that a lot of block sounds is not working in multiplayer, for example ice variants, obsidian and bricks, pistons, torches and others


no sounds or almost no sound works in multiplayer.....


Are you using any other mods, and what Minecraft version are you using?


im using a lot of other mods, minecraft 1.19.2
tried only with optifine, presence footsteps and auditory and it still not working, just in singleplayer worlds


Could be an issue with Optifine possibly, as Optifine is closed source and generally unreliable for support with Fabric mods, because I have tested it on multiplayer plenty of times and it should work fine

Also, please make sure you have downloaded Auditory onto the server as well or certain things will probably not work right on multiplayer


forgot to say but i also play using dynamic surroundings which also works with sounds, and afaik it isnt incompatible but who knows

ill try without optifine and ill come back to say about it


without optifine, stills no sounds in multiplayer :((( this is sad, now its time to try without dynamic


without dynamic surroundings stills not working in multiplayer....

let me try without dynamic sound filters and sound muffler


nothing worked... have to try without presence footsteps now


nothing. stills not working in multiplayer
now ill try just the auditory mod and its dependencies


yea seems like actually NO FEATURES work in client side only...
its 100% necessary to have both client and server side