


[BUG] Punchsound is made, when opening Containers

Gavirium opened this issue ยท 2 comments


[Auditory Version 0.0.3-1.19.x]
One of the features in your mod makes it so that when you hit the air without any items in your main hand, it makes the hit sound.
But when you try to open a tileentity with inventory without stuff in your hand, it still makes the hit sound.

I think it would be caused by the hitting animation the player makes, when they open an inventory, wich might call the sound.

I don't know if it's a bug, or if it's working as inteded.
I just find it odd that it plays so I would just make a post, to let you know.

I actually think it's quite nice that it plays a sound instead of total silence, I just don't think that the hit sound is appropriate for the action, so there might be a new feature for you, if you still update the mod:)


maybe making this configurable or maybe a sound slightly similar to the placing block sounds would be better


Works as intended, however I have thought of changing it up so will keep this in mind, thank you!