


Better resource pack support

spaghettube opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hey there. I am currently working on a resource pack which changes sounds from sound events from your mod (amongst others). I'd like to ask you to create sound events for sounds that don't have one, such as "Empty Hand Swinging Sounds" and "Shear Swinging Sounds". That way resource packs could have a better control over the mod.

I'd also like to ask you if you're interested in suggestions for new sound events. Sounds events that aren't already in minecraft or any other sound mod. I've got quite a bit of ideas so let me know if you are interested in hearing 'em. As an example of an idea I would give if you'd be willing, is to have a better distinguishment of "entity.generic.explode" into more sound nodes: "entity.creeper.explode" and "entity.primed_tnt.explode".


Ooo good idea! I'll definitely consider making some of those use unique sound groups!

As of the better distinguishment of explosion sounds and such, I do also like that idea a lot and will keep it in mind!