


1.19.4 Support

Ballistyxx opened this issue ยท 22 comments


Title says it all: Auditory doesn't currently support 1.19.4. Thanks!


I also would love to see this mod on 1.19.4!


In the meantime you can create a new folder in your PC, let's say:
If you have installed both git and java JVM 17 then you need to open the cmd console on windows in that folder.

Then type the following commands:
git init
git clone
cd auditory
gradlew build

Finally, your mod jar file will be here:



I was going to wait for 1.20 for the next major Auditory update but if enough people want it for 1.19.4 I suppose I could release it early for that!


I was going to wait for 1.20 for the next major Auditory update but if enough people want it for 1.19.4 I suppose I could release it early for that!

If the 1.19.4 version is already done, why not release it?


I would second a 1.19.4 build!


I was going to wait for 1.20 for the next major Auditory update but if enough people want it for 1.19.4 I suppose I could release it early for that!

The reason why it's needed is slightly sad. Right now a lot of mods in fabric are quickly developed. This is a pain for developers just by itself, but now it's even worse. The mods are migrating from Fabric to Quilt, Quilt supports all fabric mods, but makes some more stuff If I understand correctly.

The sad part comes here: from 1.19.2 to 1.19.4 Mojang introduced a lot of internal changes related to models, texturing and other stuff, that's why all the mods developed for 1.19.2 are not compatible with 1.19.4. All the developers needed to make the jump with these new changes included. A lot of them even started leaving fabric for 1.19.2, and only updating to 1.19.4 Quilt.

I just collect mods and kindda config them at my will, but being a fabric developer right now must be a pain in the butt. Anyway thanks for all the work, we are all hyped with this nice mod :)


@Eianex oh that's horrible to hear. Honestly i would be neutral to Quilt but i keep hearing about some potential technical issues between it and Fabric mods, plus honestly i didn't give up on running TrainCarts in my modpack, so for that i would need to use Cardboard, and i honestly bet that would not work correctly under Quilt.


I also would love to see this mod on 1.19.4!

Like @Eianex already said @Reyks21 you can simply run the following to get the 1.19.4 version

In the meantime you can create a new folder in your PC, let's say: audit/ If you have installed both git and java JVM 17 then you need to open the cmd console on windows in that folder.

Then type the following commands: git init git clone cd auditory gradlew build

Finally, your mod jar file will be here:



@BlueSky-fur I had tried that before but I guess i did something wrong, tried again and now it worked! Thank you!


In the meantime you can create a new folder in your PC, let's say: audit/ If you have installed both git and java JVM 17 then you need to open the cmd console on windows in that folder.
Then type the following commands: git init git clone cd auditory gradlew build
Finally, your mod jar file will be here:

But what if I don't have git? Any way to just get it from the github website?


I understand it can be overwhelming to try to code or make with commands something on your own. However you can remember than on youtube there are great videos that show you how to "gradlew build" mods from github. You can unclock a new superpower: being able to get any mod you want from github. It's something new to learn but I think it is worth the time =]


I was going to wait for 1.20 for the next major Auditory update but if enough people want it for 1.19.4 I suppose I could release it early for that!

If the 1.19.4 version is already done, why not release it?

I did want to add a few extra features before releasing! Other than that though I'll try and get this out shortly!


Any news about this mod for 1.19.4?


Any news about the 1.20 release?


Any news about the 1.20 release?

C'mon, the mod isn't even out for 19.4 and people already start asking for 1.20?

There's news about the mod as soon as there is news.

No ETA, no news so far. It takes time.


I see a LOT of "Please update to {VERSION}" or "When will {VERSION} be out" even "GIVE US {VERSION}" and I feel bad for the modders I can tell some of them are under pressure from all these comments, they're just other people with passions or ideas to add or change a game they love. I understand wanting a cool mod or a useful mod for the version they use. Its sad.


I see a LOT of "Please update to {VERSION}" or "When will {VERSION} be out" even "GIVE US {VERSION}" and I feel bad for the modders I can tell some of them are under pressure from all these comments, they're just other people with passions or ideas to add or change a game they love. I understand wanting a cool mod or a useful mod for the version they use. Its sad.

The mod creator isn't forced to update the mod if they don't have the time/motivation to do it. Github issues are made in order for creators to know what bugs/problems they have to fix on their projects. Not having support for a newer minecraft version is considered a potential issue, if the creator didn't want to get any more comments in this thread they could have easily closed it.

While getting spammed with "PLEASE UPDATE" issues is annoying and does put a lot of pressure on to the modder, it's up to the them to decide if they listen, ignore or postpone, their project, their rules.

"When 1.20 version" issues are actually quite useful for people who have multiple mods that they need to update so that they can know which one has more demand and should be prioritized.


I did want to add a few extra features before releasing! Other than that though I'll try and get this out shortly!

Three months past, no released yet. Should we wait for it still?

@Ballistyxx @vico93 @Reyks21 @Sogardd @shysecre just built it, tested on 1.19.4, and it works! Here we go:

Also, using PowerShell, there is .\gradlew build to get .jar. It was about 10-15 minutes to wait, then I found auditory-0.0.6-1.19.4.jar in auditory\build\libs.


I did want to add a few extra features before releasing! Other than that though I'll try and get this out shortly!

Three months past, no released yet. Should we wait for it still?

@Ballistyxx @vico93 @Reyks21 @Sogardd @shysecre just built it, tested on 1.19.4, and it works! Here we go:

Also, using PowerShell, there is .\gradlew build to get .jar. I tas about 10-15 minutes to wait, then I found auditory-0.0.6-1.19.4.jar in auditory\build\libs.

too bad i'm already on 1.20.1 for a long time


I did want to add a few extra features before releasing

Compatibility first, features second


I did want to add a few extra features before releasing

Compatibility first, features second

While that might be true in the end its the authors mod :p


I say it as a developer :)