


Some sounds are not working

Saileeich opened this issue ยท 3 comments


When in singleplayer, sounds such as items dropping or a bow pulling back will only play every other time. On my server, which is using a prox chat mod, the item dropping sound is not played and the bow pulling back is still only every other time. Everything else I have experimented with has worked wonderfully so far, it's just those two sounds that are bugged for me.


The only playing every other time is an intentional fix I put in to prevent a bug where the sound being spammed would crash the game, although I'll probably end up fixing that with a different method of playing the drop sound

For the drop sound not playing on multiplayer, I am also aware of this bug and I'll try and get that sorted out! Thank you for the feedback!


Hey there! Just wanted to let you know that the enderpearl teleport sound also does not work on multiplayer


Fixed as of v0.0.3