Automatic Tool Swap

Automatic Tool Swap


Optional delay

Closed this issue ยท 3 comments


Is it possible to add an optional parameter for a delay before swapping tools? This is specifically to avoid triggering anti-cheat plug-ins on servers.
Thank you.


I already tried to fix things which triggered anti-cheat plug-ins which didn't work. One of my tries was to add an delay which didn't help, even when setting it to 5 seconds.
For that, I worked with two server owners together and they also asked the anti-cheat plug-in dev for some code for this specific issue. That didn't help, we all don't understand what's wrong here.

I could add delay if you still want, but it doesn't help to avoid these plug-ins. At least the plug-in Vulcan I guess.


Vulcan is what I encountered as well. If that's the case, then you can leave it. Thanks for getting back to me


I think you should update :) It should be fixed now!
If you spam click blocks, you could trigger "Bad Packet" alert but that's no problem if you just use it like a normal player.