Avaritia Endless

Avaritia Endless


CompressorRecipe.addShaped compatibility problems

Baptiste-GC-Tech opened this issue · 2 comments


I tried to add recipes to craft singularities from Extended Crafting using the Neutron Compressor.
Here are 2 lines of script I have tried :

  • mods.endless.CompressorRecipe.addShaped("first_attempt", item:minecraft:dragon_egg, 100, [item:minecraft:clay]);
  • mods.endless.CompressorRecipe.addShaped("second_attempt", item:extendedcrafting:singularity.withTag({Id: "extendedcrafting:clay"}), 100, [item:minecraft:clay]);

The line provided one the official page (https://www.mcmod.cn/post/2306.html)works perfectly. It looks like this :

  • mods.endless.CompressorRecipe.addShaped("test_b", item:endless:singularity.withTag({type: "diamond"}), 100, [item:minecraft:dirt, item:minecraft:diamond * 2]);

Whenever I load a world with this script active, I get an infinite load on the "Joining World..." prompt.
Because of this, I think that the OUTPUT of CompressorRecipe.addShaped() can't be an item outside of the Avaritia Endless mod


I tried to add recipes to craft singularities from Extended Crafting using the Neutron Compressor. Here are 2 lines of script I have tried :

* mods.endless.CompressorRecipe.addShaped("first_attempt", item:minecraft:dragon_egg, 100, [item:minecraft:clay]);

* mods.endless.CompressorRecipe.addShaped("second_attempt", item:extendedcrafting:singularity.withTag({Id: "extendedcrafting:clay"}), 100, [item:minecraft:clay]);

The line provided one the official page (https://www.mcmod.cn/post/2306.html)works perfectly. It looks like this :

* mods.endless.CompressorRecipe.addShaped("test_b", item:endless:singularity.withTag({type: "diamond"}), 100, [item:minecraft:dirt, item:minecraft:diamond * 2]);

Whenever I load a world with this script active, I get an infinite load on the "Joining World..." prompt. Because of this, I think that the OUTPUT of CompressorRecipe.addShaped() can't be an item outside of the Avaritia Endless mod

Note : Looks like the greater-than sign and lower-than sign supposed to sandwich item.blabla.blabla don't show up in GitHub, but I affirm I did not forget them, as they also are on the official page linked above.
So the error doesn't come from that


I tried to add recipes to craft singularities from Extended Crafting using the Neutron Compressor. Here are 2 lines of script I have tried :

  • mods.endless.CompressorRecipe.addShaped("first_attempt", item:minecraft:dragon_egg, 100, [item:minecraft:clay]);
  • mods.endless.CompressorRecipe.addShaped("second_attempt", item:extendedcrafting:singularity.withTag({Id: "extendedcrafting:clay"}), 100, [item:minecraft:clay]);

The line provided one the official page (https://www.mcmod.cn/post/2306.html)works perfectly. It looks like this :

  • mods.endless.CompressorRecipe.addShaped("test_b", item:endless:singularity.withTag({type: "diamond"}), 100, [item:minecraft:dirt, item:minecraft:diamond * 2]);

Whenever I load a world with this script active, I get an infinite load on the "Joining World..." prompt. Because of this, I think that the OUTPUT of CompressorRecipe.addShaped() can't be an item outside of the Avaritia Endless mod

Your crt syntax and singularity tag are wrong!