Singularity Tag
Luftom opened this issue ยท 2 comments
I am trying to use a singularity in a craft. I saw the website saying that "item:endless:singularity.withTag({type: "diamond"})" should work (I just changed the "diamond" to the type of singularity that i want) but when I join the game it recognize as a singularity with no tag and idk what I am doing wrong. If you can say what I am doing wrong and the right way to do it, thank you!
The problem is that the singularity doesn't exist, because none of what the mod adds is dynamic, it's all hard-coded !
The only singularities to exist are those in the Creative Tab, which have an NBT text (like diamonds) to use them in scripts or with the /give command and stuff.
If you want another material of singularity, one that is not directly in the mod, either use ContentTweaker to make it, or find a mod that adds it already (I remember ExtendedCrafting offers a very easy way to create singularities from any material from every mod, with customized colors, but only one color and not changing)