


Neutron parts showing through wall (only neutron parts atm)

Henri979 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


2016-11-19_13 07 12

The image shows that the Ingot (which is in a barrel from Jabba (Version 1.2.2_1.7.10)) is visual glitching through the wall (if it is importent these are Immersiv engineering (Version 0.7.7) and Immersive Integration (Version 0.6.8))
I use Avaritia version 1.11, if something else I would like to help.

The bug (if it is one) it seems to do nothing no lag frame drop or else.
We are on a server.

And something special, how do I change the recepie of something in the mod, for e.g. how do I remove the Thaumcraft pearl (Primal or so its called) from the Catalyst recepie?

Thank you for helping,


Duplicate of #61

You can use Minetweaker to remove the catalyst recipe and then submit a new one without the pearl. Or just turn off Thaumcraft integration in the config.