


[Suggestion] Hungry Dire Crafting Table.

OneEyeMaker opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Firstly, great thanks for this mod! It's awesome!
Secondly, I've a suggestion: add second tier of Dire Crafting Table. I named it Hungry Dire Crafting Table.
Idea is simple: Hungry Dire Crafting table has the same crafting grid as Dire Crafting table (9x9), but it requires RF energy to craft. In other words, Hungry Dire Crafting table is analogue of Carpenter (Forestry)/Assembly Table (BuildCraft), but for end-game.
It would be nice to have MineTweaker handler for this crafting device with some methods:

mods.avaritia.InsaneCrafting.addShapeless(IItemStack output, IIngredient[] input, long energyRequired);
mods.avaritia.InsaneCrafting.addShaped(IItemStack output, IIngredient[][] input, long energyRequired);
mods.avaritia.InsaneCrafting.remove(IItemStack output);

And it would be very nice to have config options for energy storage and energy transfer of this device.

P. S. Thank you for your work!
P. P. S. Sorry for my English, I'm from Russia.


Also, it'll be cool, if you add Hungry Compressor, that requires RF energy.