Cant bend more than one element
Gogoasha opened this issue ยท 5 comments
the command /avatar bending add @p and so on, doesn't work for me, all i get is:the value air for the argument bending is not an option. and that's it. also if i add an ability i cant change that menu, when you press K, the earth stays. basically i dont know how to change between elements and how to use more than one.
you are probably typing something along the lines of /avatar bending add (username) air. At the end however, you need to add the word bending.
Ex of mine: /avatar bending add TFORTNT airbending
i would like to say that i never wrote "airbending", just "air" and it never worked, i'll open the game and try it rn. and also, how to change the element that appears in that circle ? yk what i mean, that circle that shows you your skills and stuff
it's not suppose to work if you just type "air", you need to add the "bending" part after making it airbending.
For the cycling elements, the default buttons are z and v, but I would change it to something to feel more comfortable with in setttings then controls
well now that's something i knew and i thought that i was wrong. i'm spamming Z and V and nothing happens, it just stays on airbending