[Crash]: Should this mod work with Fabric v0.15.3
Gamerbolts opened this issue ยท 1 comments
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I had an already working modpack, I added your mod and I crashed. I am just wondering if your mod works for the latest Fabric version. The crash I get is a generic crash that usually has been happening when the mod doesn't work with that version. I have included the log and crash log, it says "lucky" but it is not lucky blocks, hopefully you can assist. Thank you
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This is pretty clearly from here:
Caused by: mod.lucky.kotlin.NoWhenBranchMatchedException
at mod.lucky.fabric.FabricGameAPIKt.toEnchantmentType(FabricGameAPI.kt:112)
at mod.lucky.fabric.FabricGameAPIKt.access$toEnchantmentType(FabricGameAPI.kt:1)
at mod.lucky.fabric.FabricGameAPI.init(FabricGameAPI.kt:171)
at mod.lucky.fabric.FabricMod.onInitialize(FabricMod.kt:113)
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.invokeEntrypoints(FabricLoaderImpl.java:384)
... 6 more
Maybe an issue with my custom enchantment category, but that should be handled on their end.