Balm (Forge Edition)

Balm (Forge Edition)


CropBlock Mixin Exception

smolinacadena opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Minecraft Version


Mod Loader


Mod Loader Version


Mod Version


Describe the Issue

Hi @blay09

I'm the developer of Refined Cooking (mod that connects Cooking for Blockhead and Refined Storage). I've been trying to update my mod to 1.18.2 and managed to build/compile my mod. I added Balm as a new dependency for my project while I was updating it (through GPR).

The issue I get is at runtime/execution. For some reason I get an error with the CropBlock Mixin from Balm and I can't run the server or client to test my updates.

I've tested with different Mod Loader versions (40.0.24, 41.1.0, 41.1.48) but no luck. I also tested importing the dependency with CurseMaven with the same results.

Would you be able to check this out?



I don't really know much about Mixin, though I assume this may be related to #23 which has a similar mixin issue but on Fabric.

I wonder if it's maybe a mappings mismatch? Are you using mojang mappings in your mod? Is it maybe not correctly deobfing Balm / its mixins?

Otherwise there may be people on the Forge discord who know more about these kind of issues. When I depend on Balm I don't have to do anything special other than specifying the Mixin arguments for the run configuration and the dependency.


Thanks @blay09

I ran it again today without any changes and it works. Maybe some cache thing or something.