Balm (Forge Edition)

Balm (Forge Edition)


[Quilt] FabricCropBlockMixin fails, if another mod mixins into CropBlock

SplendidAlakey opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Minecraft Version


Mod Loader


Mod Loader Version

0.17.x and 0.18.x

Mod Version


Describe the Issue

FabricCropBlockMixin fails on launch, when another mod does its own mixin into CropBlock. For example Terrestria and ShetiPhianCore.

Initially, I believed, that the crash only happens on Quilt, but #38 seems to indicate, that Forge is also affected. In which case Fabric is the only modloader, that doesn't crash under the same circumstances.


Logs for Terrestria:
And for ShetiPhianCore:


No way to work around this? So many nice mods depend on Balm.


Here are my logs with Not Enough Crashes to deobfuscate stack traces


If this happens only on Quilt and not on Fabric, it should be reported to Quilt. I can't see anything obvious that would be causing this in either of the three code bases.


Awesome, thanks for looking into it!


The Forge issue #38 is most likely unrelated as it appears to be a mappings issue that only happens in dev envs (and has magically resolved itself in the past #32), whereas this one is an injection failure on a different Mixin that happens at runtime too.


I was just talking to another dev over at Quilt's Discord about it. According to them, it's not your mod's fault. Both ShetiPhianCore and Terrestria (or, rather a library called Terraform) use redirects in its CropBlock mixins, which in turn kills any other mod, that does the same, including each other. I asked them to tell the devs of both mods about it and how to alleviate the issue, so, hopefully, it will be fixed on their sides.

As to why it doesn't happen on Fabric - apparently Fabric allows more freedom in such cases, so it's also up to Quilt to consider implementing the same or similar functionality.

I'll leave this issue open for visibility, unless you wish to close it.

Edit: TerraformersMC/Terrestria#278 (comment)