C0D3-M4513R opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Minecraft Version
forge 40.2.4
Mod version
- Yes
Link to log files
[06Jun2023 22:33:07.236] [Worker-Main-6/ERROR] [net.minecraft.tags.TagLoader/]: Couldn't load tag minecraft:boats as it is missing following references: bambooeverything:dry_bamboo_raft (from BambooEverything-forge-1.3.3-build.34+mc1.18.2.jar)
Steps to reproduce the issue
- use bamboo everything
Description of the issue you are having
Bambooeverything does not register items correctly and causes errors with magma and worldguard.
- I have provided as much information as possible
It looks like you have an outdated version of the mod, I believe that this issue has already been fixed.
The latest version of the mod can be found at https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/bamboo-everything/files/4359591
Is the fix backwardscompatible?
I'm using all the mods 7, and can't just upgrade/downgrade versions freely.
Probably not as the versions between server and client will be different, you will need to go poke the ATM7 developers to get the mod updated.
time to privately build 80ebba8