Banner Capes

Banner Capes


Elytra capes

machinesmith42 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Could elytra capes be added to the mod


when you are wearing a banner (no hook things) and an elytra, the banner pattern is automatically pasted to the elytra visual

Since normal capes do that already, it would really surprise me if it didn't. Have you tried it? If so, seems like a bug.

i found a few that do so, but they are either for forge, or abandoned

Well, this mod seems abandoned as well, so...


i would like to elaborate on this:
an item you could combine with a elytra and a banner to paste the banner pattern onto it
when you are wearing a banner (no hook things) and an elytra, the banner pattern is automatically pasted to the elytra visual


an item you could combine with a elytra and a banner to paste the banner pattern onto it

I think there is already a mod that does that


an item you could combine with a elytra and a banner to paste the banner pattern onto it

I think there is already a mod that does that

i found a few that do so, but they are either for forge, or abandoned